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Blow up kiddie pools may be popular, but keeping them leak-free and inflated can be a nuisance. This is especially true if you have rambunctious kids who drag the pool all over the yard and subject it to other forms of abuse. And if you’re buying a pool for your dog? Forget about it – those paws are pool-puncturing machines.
These are some of the main reasons to prefer hard plastic kiddie pools. The only problem with buying a hard plastic pool is that it can be a challenge to get home from the store if you don’t have a roomy vehicle. Also, the selection at brick-and-mortar stores is often limited because most customers go for the aforementioned inflatable pools.
The solution to both of these issues is simple: shop online. You can find a wider variety of pools and get one shipped directly to your house (just keep an eye on that shipping fee!). To help you out, here’s a quick rundown of some of the best hard plastic pools for kids and dogs:
Step2 Play and Shade Kiddie Pool

Alternative Uses For Hard Plastic Kiddie Pools
Need more reasons to get a kiddie pool? Consider the fact that these hard plastic pools are more than just a place for your (fur) babies to splash around. Here are a few of the things you can do with a sturdy kiddie pool that you may not have thought of:
- Beer/beverage cooler for parties
- Dog whelping area
- Dog washing station
- Foot washing station
- Raised bed garden
That’s just a sampling. The nice thing about a hard plastic pool is that it can stick around long after the kids (or dogs) are done with it. As long as you have room to store it, you’ll probably find a good use for it somewhere down the road.